
  1. Comat/Physics - Reworked combat system - converted from raycasting to instead be object physics/collision-based. Combat status, as well as physical interaction modifiers such as damage, etc. will now be determined based on player/npc input (swing/fire weapon) combined with the collision of activated objects (where your hands/feet, sword, arrow, bullet, spell, etc collide with another object). Other physics interactions may also produce damage-resulting scenarios as well (moving object impacts, falling from great heights, etc)
  2. Inventory/Equipment - Revisited the entire inventory system to increase performance/completeness of system, and address a number of bugs/imperfections.
  3. Save/Load - Began implementation of save/load system - including player stats/inventory. 
  4.  Basic implementation of NPC Pack & Deity systems. This may be observed in-game via NPC Auras (Deities will emit a glowing aura, whose strength is proportional to the number of followers) and Overhead Icon indicators (Pack leaders display a diamond icon, pack members will display a red gem)

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